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- Dale Mayer
Aiden (The Mavericks Book 18)
Aiden (The Mavericks Book 18) Read online
Books in This Series:
Kerrick, Book 1
Griffin, Book 2
Jax, Book 3
Beau, Book 4
Asher, Book 5
Ryker, Book 6
Miles, Book 7
Nico, Book 8
Keane, Book 9
Lennox, Book 10
Gavin, Book 11
Shane, Book 12
Diesel, Book 13
Jerricho, Book 14
Killian, Book 15
Hatch, Book 16
Corbin, Book 17
Aiden, Book 18
The Mavericks, Books 1–2
The Mavericks, Books 3–4
The Mavericks, Books 5–6
The Mavericks, Books 7–8
The Mavericks, Books 9–10
The Mavericks, Books 11–12
Table of Contents
Title Page
About This Book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
About Magnus
Excerpt from Magnus
Author’s Note
Complimentary Download
About the Author
Copyright Page
About This Book
What happens when the very men—trained to make the hard decisions—come up against the rules and regulations that hold them back from doing what needs to be done? They either stay and work within the constraints given to them or they walk away. Only now, for a select few, they have another option:
The Mavericks. A covert black ops team that steps up and break all the rules … but gets the job done.
Welcome to a new military romance series by USA Today best-selling author Dale Mayer. A series where you meet new friends and just might get to meet old ones too in this raw and compelling look at the men who keep us safe every day from the darkness where they operate—and live—in the shadows … until someone special helps them step into the light.
Aiden has high hopes for his own mission, but Las Vegas and a woman accused of killing her own husband wasn’t it. Then he finds out it’s a special request from a man he’s long respected and that the woman in question was his cousin. Even more confusing is the series of other murders that, according to the local law enforcement, are linked to her as well.
Toby’s life has been one long nightmare, and, just when a light shines in to save her, and she hopes she will survive this after all, the cops decide she’s the one who murdered her husband. Hardly … but, if she’d had the guts and the lack of concern for spending the rest of her life in jail for getting justice, then she’d have done it.
But, as it was, if they can’t figure out who and what is going on, she’ll be spending her life in prison regardless. And that would be a shame, considering she’d just met Aiden, one of the most interesting men to cross her path. Now if only he’d been here years ago, before her world went off the rails …
Sign up to be notified of all Dale’s releases here!
Aiden Bronte walked into his bedroom and stretched. The last few days had been calm, relaxing, and he’d even spent some time with family. Hearing the phone ring, he looked to see who it was. “Hey, Mom.”
“How are you doing? Wanted to tell you that your dad and I decided to take a cruise next month.”
“Good,” he said, and then he frowned. “Isn’t that like short notice?”
“I think that’s why your father wants to do it. There was an incredible deal, and he wants to go.”
“Sounds good. Besides, I don’t know where I’ll be next month anyway.”
“Ah, so that means you can’t come with us then.”
“Well, I don’t know that I can or I can’t, but I would say it’s probably a no.”
But she didn’t appear to be concerned; in fact, she appeared to be more than excited.
“If there’s a chance to see you over the next couple days, it would be nice.”
“I’m kinda on call, Mom. We’ll see.” Their call was over soon, and he got up and had a quick shower. When he came out, he’d missed a call. He immediately dialed, and, when Corbin answered the phone, Aiden asked, “Hey, you guys surviving?”
“More than surviving.” Corbin yawned. “Playing house is great. You should try it.”
“Even though she’s got a baby coming?”
“Absolutely. You know me. I never really figured I would have a family at all. So this is just fine.”
“Good. So why the call? What’s going on?”
“What’s going on is you’re shipping out.”
“I am?”
“You are. You ready?”
“Hell, yes. Do I get anybody partnered with me?”
“Well, you do, but, in this case, I’m not so sure how that’ll work. Do you remember Mountain? Mountain Bear Rode?”
Mountain was one of those huge monster-size guys. “Of course. Who doesn’t?”
“He’s supposed to be coming on board with the Mavericks too.”
“Really? I thought the Mavericks were getting their budget slashed. Also I thought Mountain was heading back up north. Canada or someplace?”
“I think something’s afoot with the Mavericks. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on.”
“Interesting,” Aiden said, with a quick frown. “That’s fine, as long as I fulfill my obligation, then I’m free and clear, right?”
“You are, indeed. And believe me. I’ve got Nellie here trying to get me out of it too.”
“Yeah, especially now that you’ve got a family on the way,” he said in a teasing note.
“You’re absolutely right, but Mountain has a different issue altogether, and he needs us. I’m not sure what that deal is, but he’s coming on board to help you first, and you’ll be helping him out too. I just don’t have all the details.”
“Where am I going?” He quickly dressed, while he was talking on the phone.
“You’re leaving in twenty minutes. Mountain will be there, with wheels.”
“And where are we going?”
“Vegas? What’s in Vegas?” He was stunned at that location. He’d only been stateside for a few days as it was.
“A series of loan sharks involved in gambling and supposedly an innocent victim in it all.”
“Yeah, in Vegas is there such a thing?”
“It looks like somebody is laundering money.”
“Hardly our deal either.” He frowned. “This sounds bizarre for us.”
“Just like my mission, sometimes strange things happen.”
“Fine. What’s going on?”
“The innocent victim is our card dealer, Toby. She’s been charged with murder, released on bail. I am told that she’s at home in isolation.”
“And we care, why?”
“Well, for one, this is not so much a paid job as it’s something to do with Mountain. Hopefully he’ll tell you more when he picks you up.”
“Is it personal?”
“Very, but also something else.” Corbin sounded frustrated, which was unusual and unnerving.
“Okay,” Aiden said slowly, “that’s just confusing.”
“I know. Sorry. I’m not trying to be cryptic, but I’m just not getting very much in the way of intel either.”
“Hey, t
hat’s not how we’re supposed to work.”
“I know. Believe me. Yet it has to do with Mountain.”
“Fine. So I’m supposed to go to Vegas and to help solve a crime and to free somebody who is supposedly up for attempted murder charges?”
“No, not just attempted murder but first-degree murder.”
“Who did she supposedly kill?”
“Her husband.”
“Well, shit, that alone makes her a good suspect.”
“I know, right? Everybody loves to take out their ex. But, according to her, she had nothing to do with it.”
“You could have sent me anywhere in the world, and you send me to Vegas? You are going soft.”
“I know. Sorry, bro. Not only that but it’s not an op that we normally deal with. But, hey, lots of the cases lately have been pretty off the wall.”
“If you say so,” he snapped. “This is just a BS case.”
“Maybe, but it’s Mountain’s case.”
“But it’s not supposed to be a Mountain case.”
“I know. That’s what’s weird about it. Anyway he’s picking you up in a few minutes. See if you can get more info out of him.”
“Yeah, you can bet I will. And thanks.”
“Once we’re done with this case, I’d like to see you settle close to us.”
“Why would you want that?”
“So you can start a family, and so we can stay friends.”
“Ha, ha. Nobody is in my life. You know that.”
“True. But I also know nobody was in my life when I did my last op too.”
“No way. Somebody charged with murder doesn’t sound like my kind of partner.”
“Well, that’s one of many.”
“What do you mean, one of many?”
“I think they’re looking to pin four murders on her.”
“Jesus Christ. Why?”
“Because they’re all guys she’s dealt cards for. They were at her table, winning big. Yet, when they were found dead, no winnings were on them.”
“So where’s the money then?”
“Believe me. That’s something that everyone would like to know. So add it to your list. Find out where the money went.”
“Great,” he muttered. “I’m out.”
And, with that, he grabbed his travel bag he’d had ready since he got back to his place and locked the front door. He walked down to the curb. He hadn’t even dropped his bag, when Mountain drove up in a military jeep. Aiden took one look, smiled, threw his bag in the back, and laughed. “The only reason you got a jeep is because you can have the roof off and not hit your head.”
Mountain looked at him, and something in his icy gaze warmed slightly. He gave a clipped nod and said, “Nice to see your sense of humor is still there.”
“Well, mine is. Where’s yours?”
“Frozen,” he snapped, “but I’ll give you the details on the drive.”
“You better,” he said, settling into the passenger seat, “because I’m a little confused what kind of a deal this is.”
“In a way you got the lucky job, as you might not even have to assist on the next one,” he said, “because I’ve got something going on in the background that’s big. It’s deep. It’s dark, and I need big-time help. Only no one believes we’ve got a problem, … yet.”
“Good enough,” Aiden said. “You know me. I’m always there for the rescue.”
Chapter 1
Aiden rode in the jeep to the airport, where Mountain put his vehicle into long-term parking. As they walked up to the boarding area with their bags over their shoulders, Aiden asked in a low tone, “When will you tell me what this is all about?”
Mountain gave him a hard look. “You know as much as I do.”
He snorted at that. “Like hell. Apparently you have some connection, so that this is your case.” Aiden hated the fact that the tone of his voice noted this case was supposed to be his.
At that, Mountain shook his head. “No, it’s not my case. It’s your case. I am, however, connected to the case.”
“In what way?”
“Toby is my cousin,” he stated.
Aiden came to a dead stop and looked at him. “Seriously?”
“Yeah.” Mountain kept walking; Aiden quickly caught up. “I told my father that I would check into it, but he and his brother weren’t happy about that. To them she’s ruining their name. But they also don’t want me involved. They’d rather cut her loose to drown. That’s not my style.”
“I gather you don’t get along?”
“Not enough. Not in a while. And our fathers haven’t gotten along in a long time. I’m not sure they even know what I do.”
“And what about Toby?”
“We used to be close,” Mountain admitted. “I don’t even know why she’s still up in Vegas or what kind of trouble she’s in. She’s a math genius, which has gotten her in trouble before.”
“Well, that would be a good reason to end up in Vegas,” Aiden noted, “as long as she’s not card counting. … I still don’t understand what this has to do with anything else.”
Mountain didn’t say anything for a long moment. They caught their flight at the last minute, entering the plane before the door closed behind them. Finding their seats, they sat down, thankful that it was a short flight.
Aiden looked over at Mountain. “You’ve got some other gig going on?”
“Let’s just say that I’ve tapped into something that could be pretty big and pretty ugly.”
“Tell me more.” Aiden turned in his seat to face his buddy. “Is this known by anybody else?”
“Nope. I’m pretty sure whatever I say will just blow the lid off something, an international joint operation, but I have to get some support for a mission to confirm. It’s bigger than me.”
“And you don’t want to go to your boss?”
“Well, right now,” Mountain replied, his lips twitching, “I don’t really have one.”
“What about the Mavericks?”
“Potentially the Mavericks will have my back on this, but I can’t be sure. It’s one of the reasons I’m doing this job.”
“You know, Corbin told me something about it, but he didn’t really give me any details.”
“No. Not a whole lot of details to give.” At that, Mountain settled into his seat and closed his eyes. “I’m catching five.”
If there was ever an immediate shutdown, that was it. Aiden leaned back, ready for this flight to be over with. Pulling up his cell phone, he quickly sent Corbin a message, confirming they were on the flight. He got a thumbs-up as a reply. He smiled at that, wondering just what his own life would look like after this op. It’s the kind of work he’d been doing for a very long time. However, watching Corbin and his new partner and her very burgeoning belly—who thankfully survived her ordeal in great shape—Aiden had started to wonder about his own future.
He’d often thought that there wouldn’t be one. He’d always gone on missions with the idea, if he were the one who didn’t make it back, it would be okay because he was the one who didn’t have anybody waiting for him. Now, all of a sudden, he kept thinking it would be a hell of a nice thing if he did have somebody waiting for him—something else Corbin had changed for Aiden. And yet that wasn’t necessarily a good thing, particularly when nobody was in his orbit.
He looked over at Mountain, who was starting to stir. Aiden waited until his buddy appeared to be cognizant, but then he hopped up and went to the washroom at the back of the plane. When he returned, Aiden said, “So, tell me more about your cousin.”
“She’s smart, too damn smart.”
At that, Aiden frowned. “Is there such a thing?”
“Yeah, there is,” Mountain confirmed. “She should have been off in university, but her parents wouldn’t pay for her to go. And then, by the time she was old enough and mature enough to tell them to flip off, she no longer knew what she wanted to do. She keeps trying to get rid of her no-good on-and-off-again boy
friend from high school, where that whole scenario sucked from day one. She hooked up with him a couple years ago, where he promptly dumped her and took off with her best friend.”
“Nice guy,” Aiden quipped, “but a story I’d heard many times before, same song, different singers.”
“I know,” he agreed. “Then the bad penny turned up again, and, thing is, they got married, and I don’t know why.”
“Oh, ouch.”
“Yeah. That’s where she got pretty stupid.”
“You just said she was too smart for her own good.”
“I asked her why the hell she was marrying the loser guy, and she told me that she didn’t have any choice.”
“What does that mean?”
“I’m not sure. And they only got married a couple weeks ago, and now he’s dead.”
“Okay. So hang on. She married the louse two weeks ago, and now he’s dead, and she’s charged with his murder?”
Mountain nodded. “Right. It all happened so fast that I’m not even sure what the details are, and she hasn’t been talking to me at all.”
“And yet you mentioned you were close.”
“Close as kids and yet not close enough lately apparently.” He growled. “I also told her that I could solve this, and she just gave me a flat stare and told me not to bother.”
“Meaning that she feels guilty and deserves whatever is coming her way?”
“Well, I hadn’t considered it in quite that way,” Mountain replied, “but I guess that’s always one option.”
“Do you really believe she didn’t kill him?”
“She says she didn’t, and I believe her.”
“Okay. Then she feels trapped by something.”
“Toby should never have married him, so I’m not exactly sure what the deal is there.”
“Right. I’ll ask this,” Aiden began, “and you won’t like it.”
At that, Mountain’s jaw twitched. “What else is new?”
“Is there a child involved?”
He looked at him. “That’s not exactly what I thought you would ask.”
“No, but a lot of women would do a lot of things to protect a child.”
“Blackmailed into marrying this guy to protect a child? That doesn’t make much sense.”