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SEALs of Honor: Devlin Page 9

  “Tomorrow’s problems,” Devlin said quietly. “We’ll all think better in the morning.”

  “True enough. Let’s pack it in for the night.” She turned back to Harrison. “Is the server set for the evening?”

  He nodded. “Tomorrow I’ll show you what we’ve done.”

  “Good. Let’s go.” She led the way to the elevator.

  As the rest stepped into the elevator car, Bristol set a special security code inside the room, then joined them. Behind her, Devlin watched as infrared security beams crisscrossed the room.

  “Nice,” he said.

  She nodded. “As state-of-the-art as I can produce it. Those are relatively easy to set up, but the computer stuff…The hackers are constantly evolving, and are sometimes the most difficult things to lock down.”

  “A lot of businesses make their way in the world from hacking, especially military weaponry.”

  On the main floor the doors opened. She led the way through a hallway Devlin had yet to see. There she opened the first room and pointed to the others and said, “Each room has its own bath and two king-size beds. Hopefully you’ll be comfortable here.” She kept walking and opening doors. “I don’t care who goes where or how many. For now you can have your own room, but if I bring in more people, we might need at least two per room.”

  Harrison and Rhodes took the first room. “We’ll be fine. It’s way more comfortable than what we have a lot of times.”

  As Devlin glanced inside, he agreed. Huge windows, balconies, French doors, and private bathrooms. He glanced over to the guys and said, “Nice way to spend a few days off.”

  Both men grinned, and Harrison said, “You can call us back here anytime.”

  Tesla was at the far end of the hall, talking with Bristol. The two women hugged, then Tesla went in and closed her bedroom door.

  Bristol turned to the door across from Tesla’s, pointed at it, and told Devlin, “That’s your room.”

  Devlin frowned, staring at her. “And where’s yours?”

  She frowned back.

  He could see the confusion in her gaze, deep circles under her eyes.

  She pointed to the left hallway and said, “The master is down this way. My father’s bedroom is as well.”

  “And if there’s trouble, how will any of us get to you?”

  She chewed her bottom lip and reached up to run her fingers through her hair. “One spare bedroom is down there, if you want to be closer, and sleep better.”

  He nodded. “I’ll take it. Somebody needs to be close enough to hear if you call out.”

  As she brushed past him, she said, “I never thought of that.”

  She showed him the room, pointed out her father’s room and then hers. He walked into hers, took a good look around, assessed the security. There was very little. He walked to the windows and doors. The ground dropped a short way down on the back side, and he could see the huge pool from earlier, surrounded by the large courtyard.

  He turned and looked back at her. “You lock all these doors and windows at night?”

  “I haven’t been,” she admitted. “But I guess I’ll start.”

  “Tonight and every night that this is going on.” He studied her to make sure she understood. When she nodded, he gave her a quick hug. “Now off to bed.” He walked to the door, where he turned back. “Don’t lock this door in case I need to get in.”

  He pulled the door closed and tested the security of the latch. It closed with a quiet whisper. He did it a couple times, memorizing the sound, and then turned to his room. He stood in the doorway and smiled. It really wouldn’t be a hardship staying here for a few days.

  His balcony faced the other part of the property. He could see a large cement area, maybe a landing pad. Several outbuildings and what seemed to be two separate triple-car garages were at the far end. He’d love to spend some time just exploring, seeing what was here. As he studied the landing pad again, a thought occurred.

  He quickly sent off a text and hopped in the shower. When he came back out, he collapsed on the bed. Tomorrow was a whole new day. They hadn’t set a morning wake-up time. But he knew the guys would be up within six hours. They were just that way. Always ready for action.

  He could do no less.

  Chapter 11

  Bristol woke the next morning, groggy and disoriented. She heard a weird whirling sound, but didn’t understand. She bolted out of bed and looked outside, though she couldn’t see anything. She quickly dressed and raced down to the main living area. She stepped outside and watched in stunned amazement as a helicopter landed right in front of her. She shook her head, waited for the blades to slow and walked closer.

  Someone reached out a hand and grabbed her. “Wait.”

  She turned to see Devlin, standing beside Rhodes and Harrison. “You guys expecting someone?”

  Just then a tall blonde woman, eyes pale blue—like ice that had been frozen too long—walked toward them. She was dressed in black jeans and a black T-shirt. She was long, lean, and looked like she meant business.

  The helicopter lifted up behind her and took off.

  The woman’s gaze swept the four of them. She nodded at the men; then her focus locked on Bristol. She stopped in front of her and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Ice.”

  Bristol gasped, her hand immediately reaching out to shake the hand offered. “Oh, my goodness. I’ve heard of you. But I had no idea you would be coming here.”

  Harrison grinned. “You will soon be amazed. She’s a hell of a drone operator. You needed somebody to test.”

  Bristol turned to look at Harrison and caught the devilish grin on Devlin’s face. “You did this, didn’t you?”

  “Last night you and Tesla discussed how you would soon need somebody to run the drones, and it couldn’t be a beginner. She might not be up to where you are, since you’re the inventor of these things, but I’ve heard how good she is.” He turned to Harrison and Rhodes. “And she’s half of Legendary Security, who these guys work for.”

  Bristol didn’t know what to say. She’d never considered so many people would step up to help. She was a little confused, wondering if a price was attached. One she wouldn’t be able to pay if this all blew up in her face. But they all knew the stakes here and came to help regardless. Amazing.

  “Thank you so much for coming.” She glanced at the helicopter, disappearing in the distance. “Is that yours or a friend’s?”

  “A friend. I flew into San Diego, and he gave me a lift. It’s a long way for me to come from Texas in my own.” Ice smiled. “Besides my babies are at home getting upgrades.”

  Harrison and Rhodes peppered her with questions. “What upgrades? What are you adding, Ice?”

  She grinned. “A drone storage bay and some extra handheld remotes, with a few perks,” she said.

  “Perks?” Bristol asked. “What kinds?”

  “Just a little extra added artillery,” she said smugly.

  The guys brightened.

  Devlin laughed. “We all want to hear, but we’re also desperately in need of breakfast and coffee.”

  At his reminder Bristol smiled. “Please follow me.” She led them back inside, the others talking behind her.

  Devlin walked at her side. He said in a low voice, “I hope you’re okay with this.”

  She shot him a sharp look. “Though it’s much appreciated, I’m not sure how she’ll be able to go all day without any sleep if she’s been traveling all night.”

  Rhodes overheard the two of them. “Show her the room where she’ll be staying. That woman power naps like nobody I’ve ever seen. If she needs it, she’ll take it.”

  “Really? She’d go all day and night?”

  “Often has and still will,” he confirmed. In a much lower voice he continued, “She’s Levi’s partner.”

  Bristol had to admit, she only knew a little about Levi and what Devlin had said about Legendary Security. And with Ice at his side …

  She led the way to the dining r
oom, making a quick stop in the kitchen. Her housekeeper was busy putting together breakfast. She stopped and said, “There is one more.”

  Carmelita smiled. “I heard the helicopter. So I prepared more food.”

  Bristol smiled. “Good thing. I only knew when it arrived.”

  “They are doing a good thing for you. You need the help.” Carmelita returned to the pancake she was busy flipping.

  Bristol could handle codes, machinery, and any number of finite little pieces and parts. But when it came to making things in the kitchen taste good, she was a complete failure. And those pancakes looked divine. Already she could feel her stomach growling. “Those look great.”

  “You do love my pancakes.”

  Bristol left the kitchen and returned to her guests, happy to see they were already in the dining room, with the sideboard set up with brewing coffee. As she walked to the pot, hoping there was still enough for a cup, Devlin stepped in front of her, holding out one. She smiled. “I was afraid it was all gone.”

  “It is,” he said cheerfully. “A second pot is dripping.”

  She nodded at Devlin, delighted to have house guests who not only knew boundaries but also when to cross them, like putting on another pot of coffee. They were so damn self-sufficient that she was amazed at just how much they could accomplish. For the first time in a long while, hope lived in her heart. Maybe with their help, she could make this happen.

  “After breakfast, Ice, I’ll show you to your room,” she said, taking Rhodes’s advice. “Then, if you need to crash anytime today, please feel free.”

  Ice nodded that regal head of hers and said, “Thank you. That would be lovely.” She glanced around at the place. “Maybe, with any luck, we can all go for a swim later today too.”

  “That would be a great idea,” Bristol said. “We’ll all need a break from work.”

  Harrison laughed. “Not to mention the fact that Ice wants Levi to put in a pool at the compound.”

  “Really?” Rhodes turned to Ice. “That would be awesome.”

  She laughed. “Wouldn’t it? But Levi’s not quite convinced yet.”

  “Ha! All SEALs love water. He’ll come around. I’m sure it’s more about budgeting than anything.”

  “It is, but with good reason,” she said. “We bought the parcel of land beside us.”

  After a moment of silence, Rhodes and Harrison pumped their fists in the air with a collective “Yes.”

  “That’s unbelievable. Awesome job, Ice.”

  She tilted her head and smiled. “It’s hardly just me. A lot of finagling went on over that piece.”

  “Still we could use the expansion.”

  “And who could possibly think we would need that?” Ice asked. “We already have a massive amount of property.”

  “Yeah, but I bet the helicopter pad will get thrown over on the new piece.”

  She grinned. “And we’re planning for a third chopper.”

  The men just stared at her, big grins on their faces. “So maybe there will be room for a pool?”

  Devlin said, “I don’t believe it, but I think I’m actually jealous.”

  Ice turned to study him. “We have the room and space for you anytime you want to make the move.”

  Bristol had been watching the exchange. The dynamics between these three people who obviously worked together showed a depth of affection and trust she rarely saw.

  She realized Devlin, Easton, Ryder, and Corey were all still in the military. The other three were no longer in, but worked for Levi’s company. “It must be a great relief to know, when you’re done with military service, there is a place like Legendary Security to go.”

  Easton nodded. “I was just about to ask Ice if they needed more people.”

  Ice’s gaze zeroed in on him, and she smiled. “When I said there was room for Devlin, I didn’t mean just him. It included you and the others. I can’t imagine ever turning down a SEAL, though there may be one or two who might not work out so well,” she admitted. She turned to explain to Bristol. “We’re a tight-knit group. It takes a special person to fit in. The thing about SEALs is they’re driven badasses. A lot of alphas among them. But they’re used to following orders. And that makes up for a lot.”

  Rhodes was already seated at the dining table and slouched in his chair. “We are badasses,” he admitted. “But with several of us picking up partners recently, we’ve calmed down.”

  “Partners?” Devlin asked. “The last I heard it was just Levi and Ice.”

  “Then you are out of the loop in a big way,” Harrison said with a snicker. “Along with Heroes for Hire, there’s Heroes for the Heart, and Heroes for Heaven. The damn compound is becoming a matchmaking service.”

  “What? I thought Mason’s Keepers’ group with Tesla here was bad.”

  Tesla walked in, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She stopped to survey the group with a smile on her face, “What was that about Mason?”

  Ice chuckled. At the confusion on Bristol’s face, she explained, “Tesla and Mason started the trend. Mason’s unit—and quickly those by extension who went out on missions with him—found new relationships.” She continued. “And all are still lasting relationships and doing very well, thank you.”

  Devlin added, “Ever since then, Mason’s group has been nicknamed the Keepers. Any man who goes out with Mason’s team inevitably finds love right then and there. One at a time, another falls.”

  “Get it?” Tesla grinned. “Because all the men are keepers. So the name sticks.” She turned to Ice. “Heroes for Hire though, that’s perfect.”

  Ice nodded. “I’m afraid I started that. Levi was not impressed. But with a few more women on board, each offered their own version. The company is called Legendary Security, but I’m afraid the Heroes for Hire, Heart, or Heaven has stuck.”

  “I love it,” Bristol said. She glanced at Easton, Ryder, and Corey, then around to Devlin. “So which one of you will fall next? I saw you all there, working with Mason in Afghanistan.”

  That started the others laughing. “It will be one and then another for sure,” Ice said. “The chain hasn’t been broken yet.”

  Easton glared. “Well, if it looks in my direction, I damn sure will break it.” He shook his head and sat at the dining table, his nose in the air. “Smells like breakfast.”

  Bristol called out, “It’s probably ready. We can move to the table, but that won’t change the subject, Easton.”

  “Then it’ll be Devlin,” he said, with a knowing look at Bristol.

  Instantly she could feel the heat crawl up her neck. She liked Devlin just fine, but that alone was a long way off from having a relationship. “Even if it is Devlin, you’re still on the hot seat.”

  “Like hell,” he said cheerfully. “Somebody’s got to catch me first.”

  Just then Carmelita arrived, pushing a large trolley. Everyone still standing then walked to the table and took a seat. Devlin helped Carmelita unload the platters of food. From golden buttery scrambled eggs to sausages, to hot buttered toast, and great big mounds of pancakes, the platters held a ton of food for everybody. Bristol was delighted. She shook her head, wondering how she’d gotten so lucky with Carmelita.

  “Dig in everyone. There’s lots.”


  Devlin immediately stabbed three pancakes, putting them on his plate. A lot of food was before them. He didn’t feel the need to hold back at all. This could be a long day with a lot of work, and he needed his energy. He was also running short on sleep. It hadn’t been the easiest thing to go to bed, knowing Bristol was in her room on that massive king-size one all alone.

  She was so small she would be practically dwarfed in that bed. But his room had been incredibly comfortable. Not luxurious, but not far off. Elegant and tasteful. And finding out that Ice had flown through the night to arrive and help, well, it was pretty damn hard to be anything but delighted.

  If ever Bristol had needed renewed faith in humanity, this should do it for her.
  That the guys had already found and stopped the hacker was huge. If they could plug the leak of information, and the rest could rebuild the drones, then she need not worry. They had hope of pulling this off.

  That damn stupid contract. He wanted her to see a lawyer about that. The trouble was, she’d signed it. Contracts like that killed you.

  She might not have gotten it if she had tried to rewrite it. And he could certainly understand her taking a chance. It would put her on the map. “Will I be starting back in the same place as last night?” he asked. He sat beside her yet again. He looked down at the little bit of food on her plate and frowned. He reached over, grabbed another stack of pancakes and dumped them on her plate. “You need to eat.”

  She turned and glared at him. “I’ve been feeding myself for quite a long time, thank you.”

  “And you’re pale and tired.”

  He turned back to his plate, reached for the maple syrup, realizing this was the real stuff, and poured it liberally on top of his pancakes. Then he dug in yet again.

  He could feel her seething beside him. He glanced over at her. “Get used to it.”

  In a low voice she responded, “Get used to what?”

  “Somebody looking after you for a change.” He glanced around the table. “Where is your father? Did he have a decent night?”

  “He should still be sleeping. I hate to disturb him in the mornings.”

  He nodded. It made sense. Also with Ice’s arrival, Bristol’s normal morning routine had been thrown off. “Maybe by the time breakfast is finished, you could slip out and spend a few minutes with him.”

  In a low voice she said, “That’s what I was thinking. I’ll bring his breakfast to him and see how he is.”

  “I can take everyone down, if you need me to.”